Saturday, October 24, 2009

Pumpkin Carving Tips

Pumpkin Carving Tips & Tricks

Cut your hole in the bottom of your pumpkin instead of top. Let candle burn a minute, see where black spot is inside, and make a chimney hole.

Scrape to 1 inch thick where you will be carving.

Rub Vaseline on edges where you carved to keep from wilting and molding.

Sprinkle cinnamon on the inside of your pumpkin to add a great smell.

Mini pumpkins make great candle holders:
1. Carve hole in top of mini pumpkin. Make sure the hole is no larger than a quarter. 2. Remove seeds with a small spoon (or I found a melon baller works great as well). 3. Stick candle into hole and light it at the dinner table.

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